Cher’s Automated Closet (Clueless)
For nearly twenty years now since Clueless first arrived on screens in 1995 fans have been waiting and waiting for Cher’s closet to become a reality. Spacious and filled with blindingly bright colours of 90’s fashion, the real draw was the integrated computer system that helped Cher select outfits. On a charmingly 90’s computer screen, every piece of clothing Cher owned could be scrolled through and matched to make an outfit. The system even warned her about making the wrong choices! Then, with her choice selected, the closet would pull her selection to the front for her on the rails. Surely, with all the gadgets and technology that’s being invented, someone must be working on this. We can guarantee there would be plenty of demand, but, for now, it has the top place on our wish list.Carrie’s Manhattan Apartment Closet (Sex and the City)
Naturally, for a show that was as much about fashion and the outfits as it was about the story and characters, Sex and the City lead character Carrie had to have the right closet. Her moderately sized (but perfectly located!) apartment had the right balance between indulging fantasy and seeming real enough to be just believable. The walk-in was not outrageously large, but had a seemingly infinite amount of space for fabulous outfits for today and some no longer so fabulous outfits kept from the past. In the traumatic episode when Carrie has to clear out the closet with boyfriend Aidan, so many carefully packed boxes of shoes are brought down from the top shelves we suspect there might have been a trapdoor into the apartment above.But who hasn’t had a closet or wardrobe bursting with clothes in a tiny space that always seems to have room for one more? The small space was intimate and scenes of Carrie getting ready in it brought us closer to her character. For all the great, glamourous scenes and shots of the high life in Manhattan, it’s the closet that we keep coming back to in our minds, remembering those quieter moments and feeling as if we were getting ready to go out with Carrie ourselves.
Barney’s Suit Cave (How I Met Your Mother)
Certainly one of the most well-dressed characters on TV, Barney’s closet definitely shows how he manages it. Adjoining his bedroom in his sleek bachelor pad (the ‘fortress of Barnitude’ as he calls it) the closet looks more like a secret room than anything else. Completely jet black and filled with nothing but fine, high-quality suits, it looks like it would be impossible to do anything other than ‘suit-up’ in this chamber of dapperness. Barney’s lovable personality and sense of humour made him a fan favourite on the show How I Met Your Mother, and his trademark catchphrases and character just wouldn’t be complete without a luxurious, well-tailored suit from this suave collection.Which wardrobe or closet did we miss from our dream list? Let us know your suggestions and maybe we’ll include them next time!
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