Five years ago, if you wanted interior design inspiration you would buy a handful of magazines and trawl through the pages, tearing out pictures of the things you like. Over time all you were left with was a dusty pile of paper scraps, but with the arrival of social media platforms such as Pinterest and Instagram, that has all changed.
Pinterest, founded in 2010, is a virtual pinboard which allows users to create mood boards where they can 'pin' anything they like. There is also an option to create different 'boards' to categorise their pins, for example a different board for each room of a house. To say this website has became a hit in the interior design world would be an understatement, more than five million home décor pins are pinned to the site every day!
These days everyone from interior amateurs to design buffs are turning to social media for home inspiration. A simple hashtag search on Instagram or keyword search on Pinterest can turn up hundreds of thousands of results, making high end designs easily accessible and effortlessly imitated. Social media has given every-day people the opportunity to share their own ideas and be inspired with others' as well.
If you're looking for some home storage inspiration, check out our interactive wardrobe builder and experiment with texture, design and colour.